Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Ode to Jackson Hole-Part 2nd Snake River

"O, The River!!!" 
This is what Jed always says when he first sees the Snake River. 
I'll let him share his feeling o' the Snake.

I like the river.

Mindy and Ella watching Uncle Eric surf big Kahuna with the love of his life, his kayak.

Picture Perfect! 

Backing into Big Kahuna!!!

Eric is in there somewhere.  

A Mountain Dew ad.  Nice one Kaleb.
Heading into the unknown.


Melissa said...

who was on the raft? you guys?

Kentucky Nordfelts said...

Jed was and then our family. I went through that 51/2 months pregnant with E. Jed rows really well. So when do you want go? His family has all their own equipment. Bring little Brock and we'll par-tay!!