Saturday, March 7, 2009

Ward Talent Show-2009

Ella and Livy captured by the Lville 6th ward Talent.  What a night!

This is the Raining Men skit by the RS.  We talked the Elders into being our raining men as they jumped from the tramp in the wings onto the stage.  

Sherstine rocked it out as us RS girls twirled in the back.

This is the 2nd time I've staged this crazy fun song.  Thanks for the original idea Rach!  

One of the families in our ward did their own dance to Cake's "Short skirt, Long jacket" using Michael Jackson moves.  It was actually really great.  Especially when they threw in some Thriller!

Our sweet friend E playing Cello.
We loved it, not so sure he did.

And lastly, the bishopric skit...proof that they are funny mixed with a little crazy.
Anyone ever tried pogo to impress the girl and win the cookie?
Bishop rockin' it on the UNICYCLE!!! Love him!
Maybe not quite rockin'.  But the ward loved the effort!

At least his wife did. : )


Melissa said...

oh, i love that pic of lori and bishop kissing. they are so adorable.

Max Fam said...

yeah! you have a blog and I found it! I soooooo have to have a copy of those umbrella pics!

the pic of bishop and Lori is priceless!

Kristi said...

Hey Jed and Cyndi! I just spent a while getting caught up on your blog, Ella is beautiful! And she looks so much like Jed, she's darling!

Looks like you guys are living it up in Kentucky! We sure miss you and hope we get to see you sometime!

Good luck with everything!